Endorser Business Policies

Transaction Endorser Business Policies

This is a Controlled Document of the Bedrock Governance Framework was approved by the Bedrock Consortium Board of Directors.

Document Name Transaction Endorser Business Policies
Version v0.9
Approval Date
Status Pre-Launch Phase: Governance Framework Development
Governs Operational Requirements, Contractual Obligations, Author Vetting
Governed By Bedrock Governance Framework Work Group, Bedrock Technical Steering Committee


All members that are approved to be Transaction Endorsers must adhere to the procedures and policies outlined herein.

Operational Requirements

  1. They are obligated to use Consortium approved endorser software and accountable for vetting the entities (Transaction Authors), that submit write requests.
  2. MUST perform entitlement checks with the ledger a prior of endorsing write transactions.

Contractual Obligations

All members approved for the role of transaction Endorser MUST: * Sign Transaction Endorser Agreement * Sign Transaction Endorser DPA Agreement

Transaction Author Vetting

  1. Ensure the Transaction Author has signed the Bedrock Consortium Transaction Author Agreement